Tag: stress

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

holiday traditions mindful living, mindful family, ourmln, mindful living network

Reduce Stress With Holiday Traditions

Every family has its own holiday traditions, whether they’re new or have been passed down for generations. These holiday traditions are not only a great source of comfort; they also help improve health and reduce stress. Listed below are holiday traditions that may help lower your stress levels: Holiday Foods No matter what you traditionally…
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tips for the holiday season, holiday family tips, stress-proof holiday tips

Stress-Proof Your Holidays

The greatest challenge of the holiday season is staying balanced. From gift giving, parties, to in-laws and traveling, stress is inextricably woven into the holiday celebration. Don’t worry try our stress-proof holiday tips. 6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips 1. Write it Down The brain can get overwhelmed with too much to do and too much information.…
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2020: The Year of Mindful Living

You can discover a life of sustainable happiness and health by living from the inside out with Mindful Living. You can discover wonder, joy, and energy in the simple, mundane, and ordinary moments of your life. Mindful Living is the awareness that every thought, word, and action affects you, the environment, and society. To begin…
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Fight the holiday blues

Fight the Holiday Blues

Do you want to turn the feelings of “Bah Humbug” to “Ho Ho Ho” this year? There are several causes of the holiday blues. Typical sources of holiday sadness are stress, fatigue, financial stress, grief of an old relationship, loss of a loved one, over-commercialization, unrealistic expectations and not being able to be with your family…
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7 Holiday Stress Triggers and Simple Tips to Help

The holiday season is fast approaching and you need to be aware of some of the biggest holiday stress triggers. The top seven holiday stress triggers include: keeping things organized, finances, gifts, travel, family, depression, and weight gain. Here are tips that can help you achieve a stress-less holiday season. 1. Keeping things organized  The…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

5 Holiday Sleeping Tips

Many people look forward to the holidays, but it can be a difficult time – physically, financially, and emotionally. The Gallup Organization published a survey showing 76 percent of American adults reported losing sleep between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. In fact, about half of respondents, 49 percent, reported losing three or more hours of…
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In laws are coming, Thanksgiving Reunion, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

The In-laws are Coming! Are You Ready for a Reunion?

Thanksgiving reunion, the holiday of togetherness and appreciation, is upon us. This means that some of us will be spending time with our in-laws. Whether you’re a newlywed or have recently celebrated your 20th anniversary, getting along with your in-laws is a delicate balance. #1 Tip for Keeping the Peace this Thanksgiving Reunion Put talking…
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A Nap Zaps Stress

Make sure you schedule regular naps during this busy holiday to refresh your mind, body, and soul. A short siesta could literally save your life. According to a published study, taking a nap at least three times a week for about half an hour lowers the risk of heart-related illnesses 37 percent. Naps are also…
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Essential Oils for Stress Relief

With aromatherapy you can use fragrant essential oils to improve your health, your mood and reduce stress. To relieve headaches brought on by stress, consider rubbing two to three drops of the essential oils into your temples. Or consider making fragrant herbal teas that you can drink and whiff in order to relieve stress. You…
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STOP the Worry Habit Today

We can worry ourselves sick over everything from our bank account balance to our kids picking up some strange disease or worse yet, strange friends. The reality is more than 90 percent of our worries never happen. It’s when our concerns become constant worry that they can lead to anxiety, depression, and incredible stress in…
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