Category: Altar Your Life®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Unplug Everyday

Don’t Commit S.E.L.F.icide

Selficide arises when you die psychologically, spiritually, and eventually physically. You likely are not aware that you are committing selficide – the crippling ingrained habits, thoughts, and emotions that insiduously take your life away. You become afflicted when you live your life overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed. Selficide is compulsively living in a rut that becomes…
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Altar Your Life with a Healing Bath

Since the beginning of time, a healing bath has been a medicinal time-honored practice. For centuries, in many cultures, people traveled to hot springs to heal. It’s also been recognized as an important spiritual ritual. In our hurried society, we rush in and out of a shower, and a bath has become a luxury. Research…
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8 Steps to a New Beginning

Most of us are living lives rooted in fear instead of trust.  We fear having no money, losing a person we love, losing our job, losing our health and the list goes on and on .Today is the day to embrace your life with confidence, trust your destiny and start fresh with a new beginning.…
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Live in Your Light Energy Today

Live In Your Light Energy Today For this holiday season, de-stress by being the light in your world. You can de-stress and create happiness by repeating a daily mantra, “I am the light in this world.” We all need the light  energy in our lives as we live in these challenging times. The ancient spiritualities,…
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6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips

The greatest challenge of the holiday season is staying balanced. From gift giving to parties to in-laws to traveling, stress is inextricably woven into the holiday celebration. This holiday season, try our stress-proof holiday tips and keep celebrating cheerfully. 6 Stress-Proof Holiday Tips Listed below are six stress-proof holiday tips. Write it down. The brain can…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Gratitude: Wisdom From the Masters

If you look closely at the lives of great spiritual leaders, you will see they practice the simple but profound energy of gratitude every day. Nobel Peace Prize winners build their phenomenal lives on the solid foundation of a daily practice of gratitude, and as a result, they become gifts to our world. His Holiness…
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When, Where And Why to Meditate

You may think you don’t have enough time to meditate.  However you only need 60-seconds, 5-minutes, or a short break anytime during the day to renew yourself through meditation. As a result, you will feel less stressed and more relaxed. You can practice meditation virtually anywhere. From your bedroom or car, to your office or…
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Essential Oils for Stress Relief

With aromatherapy you can use fragrant essential oils to improve your health, your mood and reduce stress. To relieve headaches brought on by stress, consider rubbing two to three drops of the essential oils into your temples. Or consider making fragrant herbal teas that you can drink and whiff in order to relieve stress. You…
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Gratitude is Heaven Itself

Gratitude is actually a physical energy. Modern science has proved what all the great religions and cultures have taught us for centuries: create gratitude for its powerful, physical, palpable energy that can be measured and documented. Studies have shown an openness of the heart improves physical and mental well-being. “Gratitude is not only the greatest…
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The Season of Rituals

Welcome to the season of rituals. November begins the season of the most profound rituals in our lives. A ritual is a bridge connecting your past, present, and future. Rituals glue you together inside and out. Your daily spiritual practices, your daily meals, and your play rituals with your family and friends help keep you…
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