Tag: mindful living

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Procrastination Tips

Studies show that 95 percent of us procrastinate, but only 20 percent of us see it as a problem. Procrastination causes businesses untold losses of money and productivity, but there are also health consequences. The longer you put off the task, the more the stress builds and the more depressed you feel. Fortunately, with these procrastination tips…
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Massage Is a Powerful Tool for Your Health

Massage therapy is a powerful tool for your health and is especially effective for reducing stress. I have gotten a massage once a week for many years. It makes me feel better mentally and physically, reduces my stress and relaxes my sore, tight muscles. I feel refreshed and renewed after my regular, midweek massage. I…
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Super Grandparent Stress

Are you a super grandparent? A super grandparent is someone who regularly cares for his or her children and grandchildren. It’s a lot of work that sometimes goes unappreciated. All of this work can eventually lead to stress. There are millions of grandparents in the U.S. (about 65 million), and many of them care for…
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Love Gives You New Life

Sharing your stresses and concerns with others helps the mind and body relax and renew.  Research tells us there is a positive relationship between having community and our health and longevity. Meet with a friend or friends at least once a week for a meal.  When we have a physical connection with others we produce…
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Your Stress Will Fly Away

Bird Feeding This is National Bird Feeding Month. This is a great time to learn more about the blessing of birds, nurture the bird population, and maybe even begin a new hobby of birding. Falling in love with birds can reduce your stress as you patiently experience their behavior, watch them eat, witness their beauty,…
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Love Benefits Your Health

It’s well known that a healthy dose of self love has a positive impact on your life. Studies show sharing love with others can also be good for our health. People in lasting, loving relationships have a better quality of life than their single counterparts. Married people are said to have many advantages. For example, they…
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Take Time For Romance

Romance for many of us these days is a long awaited dream or an intermittent gift we rarely experience in our busy lives. Whether you are single or married this is a chronic problem of our time. Intimacy is an essential need of every human being and one that we too many times put on…
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Hug the Flu Away

Yes, it’s flu season, but a good hug can be just what the doctor ordered. A published study suggests that, in addition to making us feel connected with others, hugs may have prevented you from getting sick. You might think hugging would increase your exposure to germs and therefore your likelihood of getting sick. But…
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Make Playing Your New Year’s Resolution

Playing More is a Health New Year’s Resolution to Begin This Year. Many of us try to create new practices in the New Year. One New Year’s resolutions should be to play more. Play changes the brain and creates health. Playing is an essential health benefit to our mind and body.  One fun practice to…
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4 Brainpower Tips

Eating the right foods and participating in playful activities have been proven to boost your brain power. Now there are many apps (for cell phones and tablets) that can do the same. The National Institute of Aging and the National Institute of Nursing Research funded the ACTIVE study. They tested the efficiency of mental exercises…
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