Category: Stress Reduction

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Creating Outer Space

May is National Meditation Month. Many people I talk with daily say they want to begin a meditation practice but always have a myriad of excuses: no time, no teacher, fear of the unknown, and confusion of what meditation really is. Meditation just means discovering and creating moments of serenity and peace in your life.…
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Drinking Water To Improve Your Mood

Are you drinking enough water ? The health benefits are endless. You need it, not only for your physical health but for your mental health as well. In fact, studies show that drinking lots of it can boost your mood and alter your emotions. According to the U.D. Institute of Medicine (IOM), women should drink…
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Tips for Combating Adrenal Fatigue

Do you find yourself chronically fatigued? Perhaps tired during the day and relying on caffeine to keep going? Our society is so go-go-go that scores of people are plagued by adrenal fatigue without ever realizing there are natural ways to maintain their energy. When you become stressed your body releases the hormone cortisol. When you…
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Meditation in a Minute

Each of us is different. We have different personalities, different life experiences, and different likes and dislikes. After practicing and teaching meditation for over 30 years I have realized that different types of meditations work for different people. Which meditation draws you into your inner sacred space of peace and love? It is important that…
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Guided Imagery Once a Week

One of the most powerful, effective and simple practices to boost your mental and physical health is guided imagery. Guided imagery uses words and images to help the mind focus and guide you into a state of mind-body healing. The mind is a powerful tool that controls the functions of the body. Our body responds…
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Give the Gift of a Massage

Research shows massages reduce stress, relax your muscles and give you an immune boost. Researchers measured immune function in healthy adults who received a massage. The massaged group had more white blood cells — including natural killer cells, which help the body fight viruses and other pathogens. For example, this group also had fewer types…
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Beat Summer Heat Stress

Heat Stress Prolonged exposure to heat can cause illness and even death. You can experience heat cramps, heat rash, and heat exhaustion when you’re outdoors and even when you’re indoors (specifically areas without proper ventilation or cooling systems). There are certain conditions that can be very dangerous for your health such as when there are…
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Blueberries to the Rescue!

Blueberries are one of the most nutritional foods you can eat and they are great stress busters. Blueberries have potent antioxidants. As a result, half a cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash, or broccoli. Also called “youth berries,” or “brain berries,” they have been shown to…
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Go Barefoot

Relax your mind, body, and soul by going barefoot. Experience different textures on your bare feet. Carpet may be soft, nurturing, and inviting while stone or tile floors can be cold, hard, and refreshing. The grass outside can be like a foot massage causing you to relax and giggle. Don’t forget to sink your bare…
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Get Outdoors For Your Ecotherapy

Your children have spent this past year in school, developing their left-brain (logic and mathematics). Spend time this summer helping develop their right-brain, and let their creativity blossom just like the flowers around us. Being outside will give your family a better connection to nature and teach them invaluable lessons about life and themselves. Keep your…
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